
Taunton Street Pastors
Taunton Street Pastors started patrolling in May 2008. Street Pastors are trained Christian volunteers from local churches who care about our community.
We are usually on patrol from 10.00pm until 4am every Saturday night, walking around the town centre and staffing ‘Safe Space, a free street cafe offering hot drinks, biscuits and a listening ear on the driveway of North Street Church.

Taunton Youth for Christ
TYFC is a dynamic and innovative Christian faith-based youth and community organisation working with young people primarily in the area of Taunton. It was set up in 2000 and since then we have been seeking to build relationships and bring the good news of Jesus.
We work in partnership with churches, schools, the local police, the local authority and other community organisations. Our office is located at North Street Church.